this picture was taken at the Bentota beach in November 2008

Saturday, February 7, 2009


"Leave no space for theory, leave no space to restrict; you will find the prodigy in you! The harmony of you with your inner soul; will take you there. All you need to do is, to listen."

I was inspired by the movie “August Rush”. Thank you for letting me have it little one. All of us will neither be musicians nor artists. Yet, there lives a prodigy in all of us. Happiness is accepting yourself for the person you are, the prodigy you are!


This is what (Comments for the first blog post) I had to say when he appeared in blogging way back in 2006. Do I feel the same still?
A busy software engineer! Perfectionist of its kind! True lover! The one I know, is a person who would bear the weight of the world without hurting the ones he loves. Is selfless of its own kind!
He would not go home last night, doing his job! The one that gets him bread and butter. He would not go home in the morning today, exactly 26 years back that his parents were gifted with the gift he is! Not cause of the his job, yet cause of the righteousness he carries with himself to pay his debts back to place where he gathered certain parts of his life!

Have a wonderful birthday (the latter part of the day which you were able to save from us…)!

I do!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Innocent love or innocence of love?

Two friends I know, are friends themselves! One is a boy, the other being a girl. They are both very close as friends, perhaps as close as siblings are!

The boy loves another girl and the relationship goes on strong! The girl doesn’t have a better half. She thinks she is not in love, perhaps she is not sure whether she is in love. Or she may also be fighting against the true feelings of love as the person she is in love with has another! Whatever the true feelings of hers are, she doesn’t want the world to know that there’s something funny going on inside her.

Yet it shows… It shows from the way she behaves around him! So protective, so fuzzy, so childish… so much as if she is trying hard not to let out the true feelings she carries… but doing nothing but that, by being how she is being! For an eye of a mother, a caring father the difference is apparent.

I think to myself, should I rather talk to the boy than the girl? Tell him, to stay away if he really considers her as a friend. Tell him, to pick a huge fight and make her so angry and keep away from her so that she would think that she has fallen for the wrong guy or to do something nasty that she would hate him to the limits.
…should I rather talk to the girl than the boy? Tell her, it’s ok to accept the true feelings yet it’s not ok to be a trouble maker for a relationship so that she has to get away from him. Tell her, to keep on accepting her feelings, being ready to wait for something she may never get or just be the way she is…

Is it innocent love or innocence of love? I don’t know! Yet, I’m in a dilemma, that; I know for sure!

Friday, January 9, 2009

What it is to be…

…loved by not one, but two? She would always guide me… She would go the distance that an ordinary leader would never even think of going for a member of the team… (Of course, she is extraordinary…) Knowing that she trusts you and counts on you, gives you the strength; adds more faith to you… A warm hug of caring, would make you feel that you are not too heavy to be caught if you were to fall…

Not many would be lucky to be truly loved by a mother, and it would only be handful who are loved by two mothers. Madam, you are the second mother of mine!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dark Knight!

I believe not many can stand the fact of portraying themselves as daemons, most of us try to hide the very daemons in ourselves. It’s almost impossible to find someone who would not think twice to make himself one. But I happened to be privileged enough to know one. Not a person who would become a daemon for the personal gain, but for the mere fact that he is a great teacher who would go the distance of doing what he is doing so that he could make his students better than himself. (Not to mention that would make the students better than the best…)

Understanding comes with maturity (this comment may fire back on me… but have to express my true feelings!), and that’s why many of the students see the dark side of the knight than his intentions. But I know, if they are the type to be true to themselves, pretty soon they will realise what a great person he is!

I wish I could be a student of his!

Monday, January 5, 2009

An Angel

When I close my eyes and think about kindness, simplicity, innocence, maturity, endurance, caring, empathy, forgiveness, understanding, protectiveness and almost all the other good things in the world, it’s her; who fills my mind. It’s her pretty, yet innocent face that smiles back at me.

Once something is started, not having a rest until it’s done; bearing everything inside of myself, and putting out a reassuring smile; trying to see what is wrong in me, rather than the other person; in rare occasions that I put out, pouring out like the November rain; perhaps, counting on my own to understand me without much explanations; are just a few of many that I have got from her.

I am not going to, or even trying to express my love or appreciation towards the wonderful lady. Yet, wanted to scribble my thoughts down so that I could state that:
When I close my eyes and think about kindness, understanding, caring, simplicity, innocence, endurance, protectiveness, forgiveness, maturity, empathy and almost all the other good things in the world, it’s her; who fills my mind. It’s her pretty, yet innocent face that smiles back at me.

Once something is started, not having a rest until it’s done; bearing everything inside of myself, and putting out a reassuring smile; trying to see what was wrong in me, rather than the other person; in rare occasions I put out, pouring out like the November rain; perhaps, counting on my own to understand me without much explanations; are just a few of many that I have got from her.

I am not going to or even trying to express my love or appreciation towards the wonderful lady. Yet, wanted to scribble my thoughts down so that I could state that:
“An Angel has one name but a mother as motherly as you, have many including that of an angel!"

I am the luckiest to have you in my life. I love you ma!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I know,
You know,
That, I know!
That, you know!
Cause together,
We both know
None lives
A full life
The other!

I love you!