I believe not many can stand the fact of portraying themselves as daemons, most of us try to hide the very daemons in ourselves. It’s almost impossible to find someone who would not think twice to make himself one. But I happened to be privileged enough to know one. Not a person who would become a daemon for the personal gain, but for the mere fact that he is a great teacher who would go the distance of doing what he is doing so that he could make his students better than himself. (Not to mention that would make the students better than the best…)
Understanding comes with maturity (this comment may fire back on me… but have to express my true feelings!), and that’s why many of the students see the dark side of the knight than his intentions. But I know, if they are the type to be true to themselves, pretty soon they will realise what a great person he is!
I wish I could be a student of his!